This includes creating a classroom of discussion where students are engaged and thinking-critically for themselves by posing problems and answering them together. I find this resource to be of the utmost importance and encourage every educator to read it here.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Paulo Freire is a Brazilian educator and philosopher in the 20th century. In his most famous work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire talks about reinventing the educational system.
Instead of following the traditional teacher-student relationship where the teacher knows all and the students are there to listen, he suggests using a "problem-posing" style of teaching.
"What (Most) Schools Fail to Teach."
Jamie Zimmerman, an author of the Huffington Post, wrote an article called “What (Most) Schools Fail to Teach.” In this article, Zimmerman explains how “mindful awareness” through meditation and embodied learning can completely change a student’s education.
As a student experiencing a class incorporating these aspects for the first time, I can vouch for the concept. I have already started making dramatic changes in my life; I am even planning to transfer schools immediately to be around this significant, and truly life changing, learning. Read the text here.
Schools need to start a dramatic change. We need to begin teaching children how to think and become engaged in their learning, not how to be obedient and memorize information. The focus in educational institutions should be about creating independent, free-thinkers instead of the mindless robots schools aid in forming.
Teaching character and personality traits also has a big role in this. Teaching these traits should have the same attention as teaching cognitive skills to students. Both points are critical to creating more curious, engaged, and loving people.
Changing The Curriculum
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