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My name is Emily Herne. I am a current a student at St. Cloud State University planning to major in educational studies. My pages are all about teacher and education development.


I believe that teaching can help change the world, which is why I want to promote well- rounded education in schools. A big step in that is changing the curriculum so that it helps students grow through character development, not just cognitively. 


I hope you enjoy the resources I provide, and feel free to leave me a message with comments or suggestions!

Why add social media?

About Emily

My Pages

  • Wix Twitter page
  • LinkedIn App Icon
  • Wix Facebook page

        Social media has become a crucial addition for websites. Without these links, your site loses the advantage of connecting and collaborating with others.


       Sites such as Facebook and Twitter create easy ways to communicate, learn more about each other, and really personalize a business or organization.


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